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Password protection made easy

Octauthent is the easiest way to add authentication to any website

Create a login form in less than a minute
Integrate it to your site without a single line of code
Manage your users from your Octauthent dashboard

Get started for free Demo

Octauthent - Password protection made easy | Product Hunt

Easy setup and integration

There are dozens of authentication solutions on the market, but most of them assume you're an experienced developer ready to integrate libraries and SDKs to your web project.

Octauthent has been designed to integrate to your website without any technical knowledge. In fact, you don't even need access to your website code


Complete customization

Using Octauthent doesn't mean you have to sacrifice user experience

You can control most of the aspects of your authentication process directly from your dashboard: session expiration, authentication methods, and of course, the look and feel of your login form

You know what's even better? Your login form will always be displayed on your domain, like any other page of your site. Say goodbye to annoying redirections

Works with what you already use

Octauthent works on a large panel of systems and hosting platforms, even the most limited ones.

In fact, Octauthent can work on any website, as long as you own the domain name.

Read our integration guides and step-to-step tutorials for detailed explanations

GitHub Pages

Production-ready security

The ease of Octauthent doesn't make it less secure than other authentication solutions or something you would code yourself

Every request to your website domain is intercepted and evaluated by Octauthent, which acts as a bouncer. Unauthorized requests are blocked, allowed ones are proxied to your website.

Under the hood, Octauthent uses well known industry standards, such as JSON Web Tokens (JWT), RSA with SHA-256 for signatures, and bcrypt for hashing passwords.

What are you waiting for?

You are one step away from having a secure authentication system on your website

Sign up today and protect your website for free!